Fight the Fighting 99th!
One of the things we enjoy greatly is taking part in friendly organized matches against other DCS teams. We're open to all kinds of operations, from large scale campaigns all the way down to sending a few aggressors your way for training purposes. If you or your squadron want to fly against someone new, please let us know!
For more information regarding inter-squadron ops, please contact us through our Forums, Team Speak, or Discord Channels.
We look forward to meeting you, and then shooting you down!
The Fighting 99th Dedicated DCS Server
Server Information and Rules
Server Info
Server Information
The Fighting 99th DCS Servers use the latest version of DCS: World BETA.
Server 1: i7 4790k w/32GB Ram, SSD HD
Server 2: i7 6700k w/32GB Ram, SSD HD
Server 3: Temp. OFFLINE
We provide a TeamSpeak server for the public to use while flying on our server. We highly recommend that all players, both recruit and veteran alike join us in TeamSpeak. Even if you don't have a mic, you can gain a lot by just being able to listen. You will get the most out of our missions and your flight times by being on TeamSpeak.
Server Rules
Server Rules
NO NUKES unless specifically allowed in the mission breifing. Violating this rule will likely get you banned outright.
No Cheating. This includes loadouts that are not possible with a stock DCS installation but can also consitute any modification or exploit which is not in keeping with the spirit of fair competition.
No Taxiway takeoffs.
Watch for traffic on the runway and taxiways. If you have opposing traffic on the same runway/taxiway, keep to the right side to deconflict.
No teamkilling (admins may kick/ban at their discretion, SLMOD will kick/ban repeat offenders automatically).
Watch your language. Excessive swearing and hostility will not be tolerated.
Coordinate your ATC whenever possible to deconflict and avoid a collision. Teamspeak is recommended, in-game chat is a bare minimum.
Do not use TacCom to send vehicles to opposing forces spawns.