The Fighting 99th Air Wing



6 years 11 months ago
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Posts: 1
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thrustmaster #9214

I guess I got banned yesterday due to friendly fires and I am not very familiar with the radar.

I can't really tell if the target that I acquired is a friendly or an enemy since the map doesn't show any enemy jets.

I will practice more to get familiarize the DCS environment.

Thank you.

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6 years 11 months ago
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New Member
Posts: 3
thrustmaster #9215
Taxi-way take-off is prohibited as well, please use the runways and notify which one you're taking at least in chat

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6 years 11 months ago
Posts: 16
Karma: 1
thrustmaster #9216
You were Auto Banned by the System.

If your not sure, before firing, check the F10 MAP - True, RED do not show up, but if you have a blue directly in front of you, best not to shoot. This is where TeamSpeak comes in, which we provide free to our players. You can find the info in the mission briefing in each mission.

Our TeamSpeak Server is:

Being able to talk to your teammates in real time is key to avoiding friendly fire. Often times when you lock up a friendly in an F15 - the friendly your locking yells "BUDDY SPIKE" in his mic. This is your clue that your locking a friendly. But if your not there on TeamSpeak with the rest of us, you won't hear this warning.

Don't be a lone wolf. Join us on TeamSpeak and avoid friendly fire. You don't even need a mic or have to talk much. Just being able to listen to what others are saying will give you a huge bump in situational awareness. It will let you know where you need to be and who needs your help. All the missions on the 99th require a varitety of aircraft platforms (helos, attack, cap, sead) etc.

We'd love to have you join us, and not shoot us down :)

I'll remove the entry below soon as the server restarts.


<div class="spoilwrapper" style="margin:5px 0;font-weight:normal;padding:4px 10px;background-color:#fff;border:1px solid #dbdbdb;border-radius:4px;color:#333333;"><div class="spoiltitle" style="margin:0;padding:0;width:100%;"><span class="spoilbtn" style="margin:2px 5px;text-transform:uppercase;font-family:'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:11px;font-weight:bold;display:block;cursor:pointer;color:#333;" data-show="{L_ABBC3_SPOILER_SHOW}" data-hide="{L_ABBC3_SPOILER_HIDE}">{L_ABBC3_SPOILER_SHOW}</span></div><div class="spoilcontent" style="color:#333333;display:none;padding:5px;border-top:1px solid #ccc;"> ["d282c537a8a59e369096b968221273c4"] =
["friendlyCollisionKills"] =
}, -- end of ["friendlyCollisionKills"]
["id"] = 4234,
["autoBanned"] = true,
["friendlyHits"] =
[2] =
["time"] = 1514259401,
["objCat"] = "plane",
["human"] = "fbd7f17e109ded410f7b54f9e1a6ad79",
["weapon"] = "AIM-9M",
["objTypeName"] = "AV8BNA",
}, -- end of [2]
[3] =
["time"] = 1515272868,
["objCat"] = "plane",
["human"] = "25bd3e81f777aeb73cf83ddb3730692f",
["objTypeName"] = "A-10C",
["weapon"] = "AIM-120C",
}, -- end of [3]
[1] =
["time"] = 1514259074,
["objCat"] = "plane",
["human"] = "983648da66acc773bc19ec80e78011b0",
["weapon"] = "AIM-9M",
["objTypeName"] = "Su-27",
}, -- end of [1]
[4] =
["time"] = 1515361681,
["objCat"] = "plane",
["human"] = "59ab273002b00f0f1f7f408ae696d78e",
["weapon"] = "AIM-120B",
["objTypeName"] = "F-15C",
}, -- end of [4]
[5] =
["time"] = 1515635199,
["objCat"] = "plane",
["human"] = "bd43ea41d07b5f03fef63d16206eb0eb",
["weapon"] = "AIM-120C",
["objTypeName"] = "AV8BNA",
}, -- end of [5]
}, -- end of ["friendlyHits"]
["names"] =
[6] = "thrustmaster",
[2] = "alpine",
[3] = "f99th",
[1] = "summit425",
[4] = "Thrustmaster",
[5] = "iphone",
[7] = "max",
}, -- end of ["names"]
["friendlyKills"] =
[2] =
["time"] = 1514259424,
["objCat"] = "plane",
["human"] = "fbd7f17e109ded410f7b54f9e1a6ad79",
["weapon"] = "AIM-9M",
["objTypeName"] = "AV8BNA",
}, -- end of [2]
[3] =
["time"] = 1515272899,
["objCat"] = "plane",
["human"] = "25bd3e81f777aeb73cf83ddb3730692f",
["objTypeName"] = "A-10C",
["weapon"] = "AIM-120C",
}, -- end of [3]
[1] =
["time"] = 1514259082,
["objCat"] = "plane",
["human"] = "983648da66acc773bc19ec80e78011b0",
["weapon"] = "AIM-9M",
["objTypeName"] = "Su-27",
}, -- end of [1]
[4] =
["time"] = 1515361690,
["objCat"] = "plane",
["human"] = "59ab273002b00f0f1f7f408ae696d78e",
["weapon"] = "AIM-120B",
["objTypeName"] = "F-15C",
}, -- end of [4]
[5] =
["time"] = 1515635218,
["objCat"] = "plane",
["human"] = "bd43ea41d07b5f03fef63d16206eb0eb",
["weapon"] = "AIM-120C",
["objTypeName"] = "AV8BNA",
}, -- end of [5]
}, -- end of ["friendlyKills"]
["kills"] =
["Buildings"] =
["Other"] = 0,
["Static"] = 0,
["total"] = 0,
}, -- end of ["Buildings"]
["Ground Units"] =
["Arty/MLRS"] = 0,
["SAM"] = 0,
["Unarmored"] = 0,
["IFVs"] = 0,
["AAA"] = 0,
["total"] = 0,
["Other"] = 0,
["EWR"] = 0,
["Tanks"] = 0,
["APCs"] = 0,
["Forts"] = 0,
["Infantry"] = 0,
}, -- end of ["Ground Units"]
["Ships"] =
["Warships"] = 0,
["total"] = 0,
["Unarmed"] = 0,
["Subs"] = 0,
["Other"] = 0,
}, -- end of ["Ships"]
["Helicopters"] =
["Other"] = 0,
["total"] = 1,
["Utility"] = 1,
["Attack"] = 0,
}, -- end of ["Helicopters"]
["Planes"] =
["UAVs"] = 0,
["Fighters"] = 2,
["Bombers"] = 0,
["total"] = 2,
["Transports"] = 0,
["Other"] = 0,
["Support"] = 0,
["Attack"] = 0,
}, -- end of ["Planes"]
}, -- end of ["kills"]
["friendlyCollisionHits"] =
}, -- end of ["friendlyCollisionHits"]
["times"] =
["Su-25T"] =
["inAir"] = 0,
["total"] = 30.052,
}, -- end of ["Su-25T"]
["F-15C"] =
["inAir"] = 5078.863,
["total"] = 12752.265,
}, -- end of ["F-15C"]
["A-10A"] =
["total"] = 250.474,
["inAir"] = 50.112000000001,
}, -- end of ["A-10A"]
}, -- end of ["times"]
["PvP"] =
["losses"] = 4,
["kills"] = 0,
}, -- end of ["PvP"]
["weapons"] =
["AIM-9M"] =
["numHits"] = 0,
["kills"] = 0,
["shot"] = 2,
["hit"] = 0,
}, -- end of ["AIM-9M"]
["M-61"] =
["numHits"] = 0,
["kills"] = 0,
["shot"] = 4,
["hit"] = 0,
}, -- end of ["M-61"]
["guns"] =
["numHits"] = 0,
["kills"] = 0,
["shot"] = 382,
["hit"] = 0,
}, -- end of ["guns"]
["AIM-120C"] =
["hit"] = 0,
["kills"] = 2,
["shot"] = 11,
["numHits"] = 3,
}, -- end of ["AIM-120C"]
["AIM-120B"] =
["hit"] = 0,
["kills"] = 1,
["shot"] = 11,
["numHits"] = 1,
}, -- end of ["AIM-120B"]
}, -- end of ["weapons"]
["losses"] =
["pilotDeath"] = 11,
["crash"] = 12,
["eject"] = 3,
}, -- end of ["losses"]
["numTimesAutoBanned"] = 1,
}, -- end of ["d282c537a8a59e369096b968221273c4"]</div></div>

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